Battery storage, or Energy Storage, is a technology that allows excess electrical energy to be stored for use at a later time. This process involves converting electrical energy into a form that can be stored, and then converting it back into usable electricity when it’s needed. With battery storage systems, the electrical energy charges the battery during periods of low demand or high production. The stored energy in the battery can then be discharged during periods of high demand or low production, such as at night or during power outages, to maintain a reliable and consistent supply of electricity. This not only ensures power availability during outages, but also allows for better management of power grids by balancing supply and demand, leading to increased efficiency and sustainability.
Incentives and requirements for standalone battery storage vary by state and local municipalities. Generally speaking however, battery storage projects do better in areas where they have more load (more urban than traditional solar). Zoning is also important. It is preferred if battery storage is on commercial or industrial property.
They take up significantly less space than other forms of renewable energy. A few thousand feet (think 20 parking spaces) can carry the same amount of power generated by 40 acres of solar.
Like Community Solar, Standalone storage also connects directly into the local distribution lines that connect the local area to the grid. They cannot connect to High Voltage Transmission Lines. Most 3-phase distribution lines under 34.5KV will work.
Generally speaking, a 3-phase distribution line will have three wires running on the top of a T, similar to the picture shown. Sometimes the three wires are horizontal. The pole may also carry wires below that are generally for telephone or cable.
Like with solar, distance to the substation is measured down the line rather than as the crow flies. The closer to the substation the better. Being close to the substation is even more important than with solar, as the amount of power stored can be significant. We generally look for sites within a mile of the substation.
When choosing Demeter and our partners, landowners gain the benefit of well funded and experienced development and finance partners to ensure the highest build rates in the industry. Rather than selling the project after construction as many others in the industry do, our partners also tend to own and operate the solar generation site for the lifetime of the project. This provides landowners a long-term relationship they can rely on and trust in as stewards to their land.
Demeter Land Development, LLC © 2021-2025. All rights reserved.
Generally 3 phase power lines are a series of 3 lines running on the top of a utility pole. Often times they look like a T with the lines running on top. Sometimes there are occasional exceptions to these configurations.
If the pole has only two wires near the top of the pole, with one above the other and there is no T-bar, this is a single phase line.
Wires not near the top of the pole should not be included in the total amount of wires as these are often for telecommunication lines and not power lines.